Fed: Howard a PM who can't tell the truth: Crean
Opposition Leader SIMON CREAN says Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD is a leader who cannottell the truth or doesn't want to hear it.
Mr CREAN says Mr HOWARD's answers to questions about his knowledge of a meeting withbusinessman DICK HONAN about a government decision on ethanol excise shows the PM is afraidto tell the truth.
A series of Freedom of Information requests made by Labor have discovered Mr HONANand Mr HOWARD met on August the 1st last year.
A month later, the government changed the excise system covering ethanol, making importedethanol effectively uncompetitive.
Mr HONAN's company Manildra is the country's largest producer of ethanol -- a fueladditive that is derived from grain or sugar cane.
Mr HOWARD has rejected claims of misleading parliament when he answered questions anddenied the meeting between himself and Mr HONAN.
But Mr CREAN says it's clear the meeting took place, and Mr HOWARD is trying to avoidadmitting he has misled the parliament.
AAP RTV sw/rsm/rp
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